# ぼくらのジャンプ
## 地球防衛少年
## PR
完全版 ぼくらの 1
## [English] Getting Started
- Press space bar to jump when you are on the ground.
- Use mouse to control left or right of character.
- Keep BGM playing.
- Login Button is at top right corner.
## [日本語] 遊び方
- スペースキーが押して:跳び
- マウスを動かす:移動キャラ
- BGM のリンクで別窓を開く
- ログイン:右上ボタン
## [中文] 遊戲說明
- 在地板上時按空白鍵跳躍
- 用滑鼠移動控制左右
- 記得循環播放 BGM
- 右上角按鈕登入
## 素材
### 圖片 Image
NASA Image and Video Library
# Changelog (OursJumpFOBsp)
## [v0.0.4](/view/OursJumpFOBsp/0.0.4) (2020-07-26)
#### Added
- moon and earths.
- support mobile.
- support mouse click to jump.
#### Changed
- help button and speaker button change to unicode emoji.
#### Fixed bugs:
- moon doesn't show.
## [v0.0.3](/view/OursJumpFOBsp/0.0.3) (2020-07-25)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v0.0.2](/view/OursJumpFOBsp/0.0.2) (2020-07-25)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## [v0.0.1](/view/OursJumpFOBsp/0.0.1) (2020-07-25)
#### Added
- new features added
#### Changed
- what were changed
#### Fixed bugs:
- bugs that are fixed
## Authors